LETTER: The 1960 championship was a great game

Published 6:31 am Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thanks for the great story about the Packer basketball team in the 1960 State Tournament. This brings back wonderful memories from 50 years ago for me. I was working in radio and television in Sioux Falls at the time and got a weekend off to go to the tournament finals.

From the time I was about 10 years old my dad took me to the tournament as a birthday gift, but I had missed the previous several while working out of state. So going to the 1960 finals was a thrill for me. And like most of the 19,000+ fans in Williams Arena that night I was planning to root for Edgerton, the “little guy.”

However, I very nearly changed my allegiance when most of the so-called “fans” emitted loud and noisy “boos” when the Packers came on court. I felt the “boos” were absolutely uncalled for…these were young high school kids who would be trying their best. However, I must say I was happy that the “little guys” won the tournament for the first time recent history.

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Then just 11-months later, in February, 1961 I got the sports job at KAUS and Channel 6. Ever since I’ve been a rabid Packer, Shamrock and Bluedevil fan and I’m proud to say it.

John O’Rourke
