Election leaves rare, three-way tie in Red Rock township
Published 7:30 am Friday, March 12, 2010
Tuesday’s township elections left Red Rock Township officials with a scenario they’d never experienced: a three-way tie for the treasurer position.
“We’ve never had this happen before, as far as I know,” said Dawn Mueller, township clerk. “So we didn’t quite know what to do.”
No candidates filed for the treasurer position in the township, but Bridget Sheely, Florence Hagstrom and Joy Oudekirk each received two write in votes. Mueller said township officials hoped that a clear winner would be selected through the write in votes. Only 37 votes were cast in the election. Thirteen people received one vote, and the treasurer spot was left blank on 18 ballots.
The treasurer position in Red Rock Township was up for a special election. Elaine Quill was elected as treasurer last March but died in April. Oudekirk served as treasurer for the remainder of the year. However, Oudekirk was automatically disqualified because she lives outside the Red Rock Township limits.
Mueller called Mower County Auditor-Treasurer Doug Groh to ask how to deal with the tie. Groh looked up the law, and the winner — Sheely — was selected by drawing the names out of a hat.
Sheely has 10 days to decide whether or not she will fill the position. If she decides she doesn’t want the job, the township supervisors would then appoint a treasurer.
Other results:
Adams Township Supervisor: Eric Wiste; Ryan Mullenbach, Clerk (13 voters)
Lansing Township: 3 year Supervisor, Steve Persinger; 3 year Supervisor Ken Penkava; Gary Braaten 2 year Supervisor
Lyle Township: Mary Kenyon, Clerk; Jeanne Parmenter, Supervisor
Marshall Township: Bryant Hokeness, Supervisor
Nevada Township: Tim Ehret, Supervisor; Dawn Helgeson, Clerk
Pleasant Valley: Laura Lecy, Clerk
Racine: Ron Vrieze, Supervisor; Audrey Oehlke, Clerk.
Red Rock: David Holst,Supervisor, Dawn Mueller,Clerk: Bridget Sheely, Treasurer 1yr Appointment
Udolpho: Linn Thoen,Supervisor; Norm Hagestrom, Clerk (140 voters)
Waltham: Randy Hartson,Supervisor; Colleen Moe,Clerk (12 voters)
Austin: Supervisor, Denise Farnsworth and Pam Hall 14 voters
Leroy: Melinda Morse, Clerk, and Lloyd Start, Supervisor 10 voters