Salvation Army reaches Red Kettle campaign goal

Published 6:23 am Monday, January 4, 2010

They made it. After more than a month of bellringing, local Salvation Army officials have good news.

The 2009 Red Kettle campaign raised roughly several hundred dollars more than their $35,000 goal this holiday season.

“I was ecstatic,” said Major Marlys Anderson. “It’s kind of a scary thing if you don’t make your goal because it makes it hard in the New Year.”

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Anderson knows all about that because last year’s campaign fell a couple thousand dollars short of that same $35,000 mark.

“It’s very comforting to see that this year, we made our goal,” she said.

The bellringing project was a joint effort between the Salvation Army and the volunteers who donated their time to ring the bells.

Bellringers were located at nine doors in seven different area locations from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday from mid November until Christmas Eve.

“We couldn’t do it without the volunteers,” Anderson said. “We had a lot of new faces this year. We had some who went out every day.”

One returning volunteer was former mayor Bonnie Rietz, who enjoys helping out the cause.

“I have done it for several years, and I’m so thankful for the work the Salvation Army does in our community,” she said. “When you pass by those ringing bells, it’s really a sign of the holiday season. I would recommend it to anyone.”

The Red Kettles are only a portion of the Salvation Army’s Christmas fundraiser, which ends Jan. 15 and includes receiving funds through a mail campaign.

The organization’s total Christmas goal is $135,000.

“Last I checked we were about 70 percent to the Christmas goal,” Anderson said.

Funds raised at Christmastime help pay for the ongoing programs at the Salvation Army throughout the year as well as staff salaries and other expenses.

The Salvation Army can be reached at 437-4566.