Gubernatorial DFL candidate makes stop in Albert Lea

Published 9:44 am Friday, August 14, 2009

Location. Location. Location.

“I would be the first governor from the southernmost part of the state if elected,” is the comment of Matt Entenza, an announced DFL candidate for election to the state’s highest office. Entenza grew up in Worthington.

Entenza was in Albert Lea Wednesday morning to meet with a group of supporters at The Trumble’s Restaurant. Also attending this meeting was Rep. Robin Brown, District 27A.

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Bridget Cusik, communications director for the Entenza for Governor organization, said Albert Lea was one of 10 outstate cities the candidate will visit.

He is, incidentally, a licensed pilot, and was making this tour by aircraft with his campaign crew. Their next stop was Fairmont.

Entenza commented on the wind turbines, especially those east of Austin near Dexter, which serve as real landmarks and a indication of future energy development.

“I want to give people a clear vision of the future,” he commented. This would include bioenergy, biomass, ethanol, wind energy and wood pulp in the northern part of the state.

Entenza said the economy is the No. 1 topic he encounters during his visits around the state.

The No. 2 topic is on medical care, particularly dealing with public options. He said in part that following Washington’s lead was one way to see what will actually evolve in the future.

“Medicare isn’t perfect, but it works, “ he said.

Education is the No. 3 topic.

He said schools in Greater Minnesota are losing college preparation subjects in their curriculums.

“Long term, we need better schools,” he said.

Entenza added that during his 12 years as a state representative he worked to get new science labs at Riverland Community College.

Transportation was cited as the fourth topic he encounters during his visits to outstate areas.

“We have maintain our county and township roads so we can get the crops to market,” he said.