LETTER: We need an even-handed plan

Published 9:55 am Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I just heard that President Obama’s health care plan is “dead in the water” for now. Due to the grinning Republicans, Blue dog Democrats and the remaining dems that are arguing amongst themselves, there cannot be an agreement.

But from what I see,  they are all on TV telling why the plan won’t work, and none of them seem to care to work on the plan together.  I think we should stand up together, as a nation of weary tax payers and demand that the insurance plan for the Senate be cut off right now.

It cannot be re-started until a just, even-handed plan for the rest of us is put into action. I think that might get their attention and wipe the silly grins off of those who want Obama to lose, no matter the cost to the people. How about that, folks? Let’s let them know that we’re serious.

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Janice Duncan
