Few snags in kids fishing event

Published 10:38 am Monday, June 8, 2009

A downpour Saturday afternoon did not stop some die-hard anglers from participating in the Taking a Kid Fishing event at East Side Lake in Austin.

The annual Take a Kid Fishing Weekend, sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, allows adult residents to fish for free when they accompany a child younger than age 16.

This is the second year the Austin Jaycees have organized the local event, which drew 126 children.

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Area business donated camping and fishing supplies, including tents, fishing rods, tackle boxes and tackle, camping chairs, lifevests and more. Each child who participated and stayed until the awards ceremony received at least one prize.

The event ended almost one hour early due to the heavy rain.

Charlie’s Lounge, who hosted Take a Kid Fishing for many years, also provided volunteers. Wrad’s Rags & Awards of Austin, Hormel Foods and A&W Restaurant donated trophies, hotdogs, rootbeer and other supplies.

Nine-year-old Alexsis Riles reeled in the largest catch: a 1-pound, 8-ounce bass. Organizers said they believe this is the first year a bass has won biggest fish overall. She won a stay at the Holiday Inn and a state quarter collection.

Alec Cole, who caught the smallest fish at 1 ounce, won a guided fishing tour for several people on the Mississippi River.