EDITORIAL: Disasters becoming common for Austin

Published 10:11 am Thursday, June 18, 2009

They hit fast and hard. Thunderstorms slammed through Austin and the surrounding communities Wednesday, bringing destructive tornadoes, killing power and causing injuries.

Residents were caught driving, playing baseball or just spending time outside when the fierce weather pattern ripped through the county.

A major disaster in Austin is nothing new as we’ve been ravaged by floods, snowstorms and fires.

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And we’ve bounced back every time, even though it isn’t always easy.

Valuable information as to what to do before, during and after a tornado is available on the Web site of the Federal Emergency Management Agency at www.fema.gov.

Residents should also make sure they have a family plan as to where to go and what to do when the next tornado strikes.

Some things are self explanatory, such as having extra flashlight batteries on hand when the power goes out, but residents also need to be prepared for other things.

What do you do if you’re caught outside (lie flat in a ditch), for instance, or if you live in a mobile home (get out and go to the lowest floor of the nearest sturdy building)?

Preparation is key for surviving a disaster, something Austin is getting its share of lately.

And when a disaster hits, we must work together as a community, helping our friends and neighbors who need it and then learning from the experience for the next time.