EDITORIAL: Center is an Austin asset

Published 9:43 am Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It’s nice to have them back. The trails have reopened at the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center in Austin, following damage from last week’s tornado.

While a number of branches are still hanging off paths and the visitor center is still only partially open, it’s nice to see the damage wasn’t enough to keep the trails closed for a longer period of time.

Our nature center is an asset to Austin, an educational and entertaining place filled with everything from wildlife to knowledgeable staff.

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Earlier this year, the center was included on the city’s list of area’s to cut funding if our weak economic conditions and the decline of Local Government Aid continue.

We would certainly argue against that option as the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center is a great place for both residents and visitors.

We’re glad the trails have reopened, and we hope you go out there and explore them.