Sprinklers help hault fire at apartments

Published 10:13 am Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A sprinkler system is being credited with halting a Dumpster fire Monday at Prairie Sky Apartments.

According to Austin police reports, the fire was reported at around 1:49 p.m. Monday by Michelle Kilby and Natasha Hillemeier, who noticed smoke coming from the garbage area at the complex, located at 1701 Eighth St. N.W.

The Austin Fire Department responded a couple minutes later, to find a Dumpster inside the building smoking heavily, subdued by the building’s fire extinguisher.

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Firefighters rolled the Dumpster out of the building and extinguished it. Residents were allowed back in the building about an hour later.

Firefighters ventilated the building of smoke, which was present on all three levels. There was minimal damage to the building.

According to Fire Chief Dan Wilson, discarded smoking materials are believed to be the cause of the fire.