3 vie for 2009 dairy princess title

Published 9:45 am Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Three young women are vying for the 2009 Mower County Dairy Princess title.

The 56th annual coronation will take place Friday, April 17, at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Adams.  Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for the dairy social hour, which will feature special guest Princess Kay of the Milky Way, Kristy Mussman, Claremont.

Mussman will also give a keynote address during the banquet.

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The banquet meal will be served at 7:30 p.m.

The 2009 Mower County Dairy Princess candidates are:

Megan Mullenbach, daughter of Pat and Kris Mullenbach, Adams.  Mullenbach is a senior at Southland High School and attends Riverland Community College part-time through the post secondary enrollment options program.

She is sponsored by Foremost Farms USA.

Danielle Irvin is the daughter of Don and Renita Irvin, Rose Creek.

Irvin is employed part-time on the dairy farm owned by Robert and Connie Irvin.

She is a senior at Southland High School and sponsored by Northern Country Feeds, Adams.

Jessica Hill, daughter of Duane Hill, Adams, and Jean Blaser, Austin, is a senior at Southland High School.

Her father is employed by the Heller family at their Triple H Farms, Adams.

Hill is sponsored by Bubble’s Cafe and Triple H Farms, Adams.

Vanessa Halverson, 10-year-old daughter of Jason and Karen Irvin of Rose Creek, will be named 2009 Mower County Milkmaid.

This program is open to third and fourth grade girls from dairy families or whose parents are dairy farm employees.

This will be Halverson’s second year serving as a Mower County Milkmaid, and she is sponsored by Prescott Milk Hauling and A-Line Transport, Adams.

Local auctioneer Terry Hamilton will wield the gavel at the annual scholarship auction.  Early consignments include several model tractors from local implement dealers and a signed Bonnie Mohr print.

Several area businesses have also been long-time contributors to the scholarship fund, which is awarded to the dairy royalty at the end of their reign.  The businesses include: Hanson Tire, LeRoy; Byron J. Huseby Insurance, Adams; and First State Bank, LeRoy.

The dairy royalty also receive gifts from the Austin Area Chamber of Commerce ag committee, First Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Sargeant/Brownsdale and Farmers State Bank of Adams.

Tickets for the banquet are $9 and may be purchased at Bubble’s Café in Adams or by calling Eugene Anderson at (507) 477-3457 by April 10.