Police report, March 30

Published 10:12 am Monday, March 30, 2009


— Suspicious circumstances in the 1700 block of Third Avenue NE

— Subject arrested for disorderly conduct in the 1700 block of Fourth Street NW

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— Suspicious activity reported in the 300 block of South Main Street

— Burglary reported in the 1000 block of Second Avenue SW

— Officer spoke to a person regarding a dispute with neighbors in the 300 block of Sixth Street SW

— Austin Fire Fighters observed a vehicle in the 200 block of N Main Street leaking gasoline

— Subject arrested for probation violation at Oakland Avenue W and 10th Street

— Harassment reported in the 1100 block of 27th Street SW


— Subject arrested for disorderly conduct on 237th Street

— Deputy and State Patrol dispatched to Highway 63 near Racine on report of two vehicles chasing each other

— Residential burglary in the 300 block of 11th Avenue SW

— Domestic argument in the 2000 block of First Avenue SE

— Subject cited for giving false name to police in the 1400 block of Fourth Street NW

— Hit and run accident in the 400 block of Second Street SE

— Domestic assault reported in the 600 block of 10th Street NE

— Theft reported in the 2600 block of 16th Avenue SW

— Loose dog acting aggressively in the Eighth Avenue and Oakland Place NE; owner given warning

— Officer dispatched to the 1100 block of First Avenue NW on a child custody issue

— Officer spoke with children throwing rocks in the 2100 block

— Trespassing reported in the 2200 block of Eighth Avenue NW

— Subject arrested in the 300 block of 27th Street SW for failure to appear