Figure skaters set to host annual ice show

Published 4:16 pm Sunday, March 8, 2009

Area figure skaters will unite this upcoming weekend as the Riverside Figure Skating Club hosts it’s 35th annual ice show at Riverside Arena.

The club will hold shows Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m.

While individual competitions can be stressful and challenging, the ice show gives the skaters a chance to work worth each other and have a good time.

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“This show is mostly about having fun,” said Sam Serratore, a Hayfield junior who has skated for 11 years. “It’s great because everyone’s style mixes together.”

While the skaters do have fun, that’s not to say the show doesn’t involve hard work. Skaters will log in many hours over the week to prepare for the show, which includes RFSC members of all ages.

“It’s tough for everyone to keep up, but we work as a team so it works out,” said Austin junior Brianna Ellingson, who has skated for 14 years.

The team aspect is a new experience for figure skaters as they are not used to sharing the ice many other skaters. Throughout the week the routine will be perfected.

“Getting the techniques and the jumps down is the toughest part of the show,” said Austin junior Amanda Farrell, who has skated for 12 years. “We’re also used to working on our own and we’re all on different levels (of ability).”

Two seniors will skate in their last show for the RFSC — Sarah Ivanca and Olivia Hernandez-Toliver.

Ivanca has skated for nine years and she has made many good friends on the ice. She has also gotten much better at skating over the years.

“You really have to learn to balance,” the Austin senior said. “Too me it’s like walking now. Having good skates make difference.”

Ivanca will try to skate over the spring and may coach in college. She plans to attend Northwestern College in the Twin Cities and will major in biology.

One of the parts of the show the skaters look forward to is the chance to perform their solos, duets and trios in the spotlight portion.

“I love shows and I’m really looking forward to the spotlights,” said Austin junior Tamika Hutson, who has skated for 14 years.

The theme of this year’s show is ‘Fast Cars…… Summer Fun.’ Tickets are five dollars for students and seniors and eight dollars for adults. They can be purchased from skaters, at the door and at HyVee

RFSC has about 80 members, ranging from age four to 18. There are

approximately 65 members of the club participating in the show.

RFSC is a sanctioned club of U.S. Figure Skating.

The professional staff includes Chris Amy who has been coaching with the

club for over 27 years and Paul Paprocki who is the skating director of

the Rochester FSC and has been coaching in Austin for the past nine years.

The club’s season runs from October to March. It will be having a Spring

session beginning from March 22 to April 26. New members are welcome to

come and participate.

The club has a 15-member board and is run by parent and community


For more information call RFSC Secretary Kathy Serratore at 507-433-7189, or e-mail her at, or visit