Event targets unemployed

Published 11:40 am Tuesday, March 3, 2009

If you are unemployed, underemployed or supporting others out of work, help is to the rescue.

Workforce Development, Inc. is hosting its first Job Seekers Resource Fair Wednesday at Riverland Community College.

“Because jobs are not plentiful, we decided we wanted to do something to give people looking for work,” said Stacy Edland, career counselor and job placement specialist at Workforce Development.

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“We have a lot of people on unemployment coming in. We have a lot of people who have never needed this kind of help coming in.”

Edland points out this is not a job fair; there will not be employers on site with applications. The resource fair is for “anybody who is struggling financially,” she said.

“We are targeting people looking for work,” Edland said.

Various organizations will be available, including Austin Utilities, who will explain how to conserve energy to cut back on bills as well as bill payment questions.

Zumbro Valley Mental Health of Rochester will discuss stress management, and a dietician from Hy-Vee will teach fair-goers how to plan meals on a budget.

Riverland will have a booth, where job-seekers can learn about training options, like their healthcare and manufacturing academies. The Job Seekers Resource Fair will be held from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. There is no charge.

Other upcoming events include the annual job fair at Riverland Community College April 22. March 26, Workforce Development will host a resume workshop from 1 to 3 p.m. at the center, located in the West Campus of Riverland Community College. A March 12 workshop is almost full. Pre-registration is required for this free class. Call 433-0555.