Austin Public Education Foundation plans golfing event
Published 10:19 am Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Austin Public Education Foundation announces the funding of 24 grants amounting to more than $25,000 this year. Every spring, the foundation awards grants to teachers and administrators who apply for funding that normally isn’t available for students.
Some of the many grants awarded this year include visits from a noted author, SMART boards for classrooms, a CNC milling machine and graphing calculators, thanks to the Austin Public Education Foundation and the generous donations of individuals and businesses in our community.
APEF board member Diane Sherman said,” In today’s economic environment, it’s incredibly rewarding to be able to provide more than $25,000 of enhancements and enrichments to Austin Public School students.”
The foundation has two endowment funds, and income earned through investment of these funds us used to provide extra opportunities for Austin students. The James and Joanne Huntting Endowment is used to fund any program and project in the schools, and The Packer Fund is used to fund co-curricular and extra curricular activities, with 60 percent of the grant funds going to athletics.
The major fundraising event for the Austin Public Education Foundation is its annual APE Fore Kids Golf event. This year’s event will be held Monday, July 20 at the Austin Country Club. The public is invited to participate.
For more information, call Rena Langowski at 433-0433 or e-mail at rlan gowski@austin.k12.