A.L. school board is down to 2 finalists

Published 5:10 pm Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Albert Lea school board today narrowed the number of candidates for superintendent to two from three.

In determining the number of site visits to make, some board members favored visiting all three, while others favored two. There was discussion about the need to show progress in the superintendent search. Eventually board member Sally Ehrhardt moved to visit the Pine River-Buckus School District and the Bird Island, Olivia, Lake Lillian School District. Board member Jill Marin seconded the motion.

On a 4-2 vote, the board agreed.

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That meant Joe Brown, superintendent of the Grand Meadow School District, was no longer part of the search and the remaining candidates are:

Cathy Bettino, superintendent of the Pine River-Backus School District.

Mike Funk, superintendent of the Bird Island, Olivia, Lake Lillian School District, termed BOLD.