Seniors can get free help with digital TV transition

Published 11:34 am Thursday, January 1, 2009


The new year means new opportunities for fun and knowledge at the Mower County Senior Center.

Mower County senior citizens can get free help with the digital TV transition coming Feb. 17.

Email newsletter signup

Broadcasting of television signals in analog format ends Feb. 17 and all-digital television debuts.

After Feb. 17, analog television will not become obsolete, but they will require a conversion box to receive the new digital signal.

Residents who use a pay service that broadcasts in digital formal (such as Direct TV) will not have to acquire a set-top conversion box.

Any senior requiring DTV conversion and installation help may call the Mower County Senior Center to schedule an appointment.

The Macular Degeneration Support Group meets the second Wednesday of each month at the Senior Center.

The next meeting is Wednesday, Jan. 14, beginning 10 a.m.

A suggested donation of $3 for those 60 and older or $5 for those 59 and younger is advised.

The Macular Degeneration Support Group is for anyone, who is living with the visual impairment or a caregiver. The public is invited to attend. Call the Senior Center to sign-up.

The 2009 annual meeting of Mower County Seniors Inc. takes place 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009.

After a roast beef dinner, the annual meeting begins 6 p.m. Jan. 15.

The banquet menu includes a roast beef dinner. The cost is $8.

Al Batt, humorist and newspaper columnist, will be the guest speaker.

Gordie Kilmer and Anita Mittelsted are retiring from the board after six years of service.

Also retiring are Judy Schaefer Ray Schmidt and Virl Layton.

Nominees to fill the vacancies include Bruce Henricks and Charles Mills.

Jim Burroughs is running for another term on the board of directors.

The annual meeting will also include program updates.

Tickets are being sold in advance for the Jan. 15 banquet. Five eastern European countries will be the subject of a travelog Thursday, Jan. 22. Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece will be featured. Dinner will be served afterwards in the Semcac congregate meal site.

The travelog fun begins 11:30 a.m. Jan. 22, in the Senior Center dining room. The suggested donation is $3 for those 60 and older and $5 for those 59 and younger.

Seniors will also want to inquire about the upcoming February wellness, hearing and eye care clinics being scheduled.

For more information, call 433-2370, Ext. 0.