Public hearing set for street improvements

Published 10:13 am Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Assistant City Engineer Steven Lang reported Monday to the city council that a public hearing has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 17 in the City Council Chambers for the following proposed street improvements:

Industrial Park area of 16th Avenue to 11th Drive Northeast. Improvements: paving options and ditches or curb-and-gutter will be reviewed.

Sixth Avenue Southwest (Sixth Street to 12th Street) and Ninth Street Southwest ( Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue), near the fairgrounds. Improvements: upgrade drainage, handicap accessible intersections, upgrade deficient sidewalk, sanitary sewer, water and gas work will be determined.

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Seventh Avenue Southwest (Sixth Street to Eighth Street). Improvements: Mill and re-pave asphalt, replace deficient sidewalk.

Second Avenue Southwest (11th Street to 14th Street) and 11th Street Southwest (Second Avenue to Sixth Avenue). Improvements: Replace pavement, handicap accessible intersections, new sanitary sewer trunk line from Second Avenue and 14th Street intersection to the 11th Street and Fourth Avenue intersection.

Second Avenue Southeast (Second Street to Fourth Street); Third Avenue Southeast (South Main Street to Fourth Street); Fourth Avenue Southeast (South Main Street to Fourth Street); First Street Southeast (Second Avenue to Fourth Avenue); Second Street Southeast (Second Avenue to Fourth Avenue); and Third Street Southeast (First Avenue to Fourth Avenue). Improvements: Replace pavement, replace curbs, upgrade drainage infrastructure, handicap accessible intersections and sanitary sewer work on First Street.

The city recorder will mail published notices of the hearing to affected property owners. The public is welcome to comment and ask questions at the hearing.

The City Council Chambers are located at 500 Fourth Ave. N.E.