LETTER: Christmas cards were a team effort

Published 10:22 am Tuesday, January 13, 2009

As State Disabled American Veteran Auxiliary Americanism chairman, I thought it would be great to have the children in kindergarten through fifth grades make Christmas cards for our overseas and VA hospitalized service men and women.

Schools were contacted, and it went over great with almost 700 coming in. Two boxes were sent overseas, and two big envelopes of cards were sent to the VA in Minneapolis. Also sent with them were individual treats donated by Sterling Drug and the Austin Hy-Vee. I thank all the schools: The children of Sumner, St. Augustine, Lyle, Southland, Sleepy Eye and Mankato.

Special thanks go to Hy-Vee and Sterling Drug. They didn’t hesitate when asked to donate the treats.

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I have already received a ‘thank you’ from one Marine, 1st SGT. Allen Ryks FPP, who is originally from Austin. Everything was greatly appreciated. A special thanks to Southland School for obtaining his address for me, and thanks to my own DAV Auxiliary for your support as state chairman.

Ruth Collette, Americanism Chairman

Austin, DAVA