The holidays will be a little bit brighter
Published 10:06 am Tuesday, December 23, 2008
From time to time, team efforts happen outside the world of sports. Such was the case yesterday, when more than 600 families in need were scheduled to pick up groceries from Hy-Vee in time for the holidays. As of early afternoon, nearly 400 had come in.
Each food package included a ham, mashed potatoes, rolls, a pie, two cans of vegetables and cranberry relish, all free of charge, all as part of the Feed-A-Family program, a joint-effort between Hy-Vee and Austin Radio Station KAUS.
Each bag of groceries was estimated at $30, one third of which was covered by customer donations, with the other two thirds being contributed by Hy-Vee.
Todd Hepler, store director, said KAUS donated all the air time to promote the effort.
At Hy-Vee Monday, numerous volunteers from the radio station and the Mower County Dairy Association, which donated butter to the cause, helped hand out the food to those families in need.
Hepler said this year’s Feed-A-Family program was so generously supported by the community that there will be roughly $2,000 left over, which will be spent on food for the local Salvation Army Food Shelf.
The residents and businesses of Austin and the surrounding areas have stepped up to the plate time and time again to help those in a time of need.
The Feed-A-Family project is yet another example of that.
It was a true team effort, and it was done right in the middle of a recession.