Austin schools to host breakfast for vets
Published 11:18 am Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Austin Public Schools would like to honor and thank the men and women in our community who have served or currently serve in the U.S. Armed Forces by inviting all veterans to join their students for a free breakfast at the school of their choice at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11.
If you are a veteran and are able to join them for breakfast, please choose the school where you would like to come for breakfast and call and confirm your attendance. Breakfast will be served at the following schools:
Banfield Elementary, 437-6623
Sumner Elementary, 433-3425
Southgate Elementary, 433-4624
Neveln Elementary, 437-6669
Ellis Middle School, 433-8800
Austin High School, 433-0401
Please contact the school where you plan to attend breakfast by Friday, Nov. 7 so we will know how many breakfasts we will need on Nov. 11.
Veterans are encouraged to come out on Veterans’ Day at 7:30 a.m. at the school of their choice.