Man arrested after brawl

Published 10:33 am Monday, October 27, 2008

A man was arrested after an apparent brawl at City Limits apartments early Sunday. According to a Mower County Sheriff’s Office report, Austin police and Mower County officers responded to reports of a brawl at the apartment complex located near the intersection of U.S. Highway 218 North and Mower County 45 north of Austin. Upon arrival, the report stated, a large group of people were assembled in a hallway, where a man knelt on the floor, talking unintelligibly. The report stated the individual “appeared to be under the influence” and “combative.” Officers took the man into custody, while he identified himself as “Jesus.”

The man was placed into a Sheriff’s Office squad car, where he continued to talk unintelligibly and became violent, kicking out a rear window and destroying emergency lights on the squad car.

The man was further restrained and transported to the Mower County Jail, where the 33-year-old Austin man was booked into custody until arraignment today (Monday) on multiple charges.

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