Letter: Thanks to all involved

Published 10:07 am Thursday, October 30, 2008

During the week of Homecoming at Austin High School, the AHS Alumni and Friends Association and Austin High School honored two graduates as this year’s Distinguished Alumni.  Mary Dunlap Wennes, Class of 1958 and David Simonson, Class of 1970 attended many activities involved with Austin High’s Homecoming.

Thank you to the staff and students of Austin High School for their involvement in the assembly.  To Dr. Bruce Anderson, Interim Superintendent; Brad Bergstrom, Principal; to Mary Weikum and the Food Service staff; to Mat Miller and the Building and Grounds staff; to Tim Hermann and the Activities staff; to Brian Johnson and the Choir; to Jane Carlson and the IMC staff; to Craig Knippel and the Packer Graphics staff and to Andrea Malo and the Student Council. Thank you’s also need to be extended to HyVee Floral Shop, Catering and Liquor Store; Nystrom Signs; Wrad’s Rags and Awards; Sandy Forstner and the Austin Chamber of Commerce; Mike Cotter, Jon Wright and KAUS Radio; Mayor Tom Stiehm; Nathan Toland and Holiday Dodge; Laura Helle and the Hormel Historic Home and the Austin Public Education Foundation.

The Distinguished Alumni Award is a positive way to honor Austin High graduates who have achieved success in their lives and are a positive influence on today’s students.  It is a wonderful event to share with the entire community.

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The AHS Alumni and Friends Association, Distinguished Alumni Award Committee

Jeni Beckel Lindberg, Chairperson

Rena Langowski, Jim Ruud, Mike Ruzek