Letter: Local Republicans start Web site

Published 10:54 am Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Many people feel that our elections have gotten to be too much about advertising and not enough about the issues.

While we can’t control the whole election process, the Mower County Republicans have decided to do what we can in our part of the state to have a good issues-oriented discussion.

That’s why we started a Web site called sixbigissues.com to focus on some of the issues we hear our neighbors talking about the most; the national economy, national security, a balanced energy plan and others.

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We have a group of local citizens writing and sharing their thoughts on this site, and we encourage everyone in the community to join the discussion. We hope you will all visit sixbigissues.com and weight in on the biggest issues facing our state and nation.

Clarence Klenke

Mower County Republican Chair