It’s good to be visible

Published 10:09 am Friday, October 3, 2008

For political candidates, it’s easy to meet and greet people during a campaign. Their everyday lives are essentially put on hold as they try to get their views across and attempt to persuade people to vote for them.

Once in office though, it becomes more difficult. They are busy with their jobs, and they’ve already been elected.

But the best local, state and national officials are the ones who spend time with their constituents throughout their term.

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Today, Gov. Tim Pawlenty is scheduled to speak at a luncheon this afternoon in Austin and again at the Hormel Institute’s expansion celebration.

Pawlenty was also here earlier this year when the city was dealing with flooding.

It may not seem like a big deal to some when an official stops in a small town or city from time to time, but it means a lot to us.

It shows that he or she is aware of what’s going on and cares when something happens, whether historic or catastrophic.

We welcome the governor here today, and we hope he returns in the near future.