Poll to open Tuesday

Published 12:00 pm Saturday, September 6, 2008

Voters in Minnesota go to the polls Tuesday in the 2008 State Primary Election.

Polls will be open at 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday in Austin.

According to the Mower County Auditor-Treasurer’s office staff, there were 21,638 registered voters in the county through Sept. 3.

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While there are no partisan races for Austin city offices, Mower County commissioner and judicial offices in the Tuesday primary, there are for federal offices, such as U.S. Senator and U. S Representative.

The Independence, Republican and Democrat-Farmer-Labor parties all have partisan races to be decided Tuesday.

The only candidate with Mower County roots is Stephen Williams of Brownsdale, who is one of seven Independence Party candidates, running for U.S. Senate.

Running for the 1st Mower County Commissioner district are Tim Gabrielson, Kathy Stutzman and Dan Vermilyea.

All are challengers, running for the county board seat currently held by Richard P. Cummings, who is retiring after 32 years in office.

Running for Austin Mayor are challengers Jimmy Dean Hultgren and Mark Nagle and incumbent Tom Stiehm.

Candidates for Austin Council Member At Large are Janet Anderson, Jeff Austin, George Brophy, Mary Keenan and Marvin Repenski.

Incumbent Peter Christopherson chose not to seek re-election to the At Large seat on the Austin City Council.

The top two vote-getters in the primary will advance to the State General Election in November.


Voter information sources for election information include www.sos.state.mn.us or contacting the Mower County Auditor Treasurer’s office. In addition, the Secretary of State is circulating the Minnesota Voters Guide, which also contains valuable election information.

The rule is simple: Before one can vote, they must register.

According to the state Voters Guide, Minnesota citizens may register before Election Day or on Election Day at their correct polling place. A voter’s registration remains current until one moves, changes their name, or does not vote for four consecutive years.

Voters may update their registration information by completing another Voter Registration Application, according to the SOS information.

Eligible voters may register to vote by completing a Voter Registration Application and submitting it by mail or in-person at their county courthouse.

For a voter’s name to appear on the polling place roster, register at least 20 days before Election Day.

For the 2008 State Primary, voters must have registered by Aug. 19.

For the 2008 State General Election, they must register by Oct. 14.

The 2008 State General Election will be Tuesday, Nov. 4.