Motorcyclist injured
Published 9:17 am Monday, September 8, 2008
Motorcyclist Paul St.
Monday, August 13, 2001
Motorcyclist Paul St. John, 33, of Ontario, Canada, remains hospitalized at Austin Medical Center in stable condition.
According to the Minnesota State Patrol, he was eastbound on Interstate 90 outside of Austin, when he lost control of his motorcycle.
The mishap occurred 11:17 a.m. Saturday, when a semi driven by Bruce Jacob, 33, of Edgar, Wis., allegedly cut-off the motorcyclist, causing him to lose control along the freeway.
The semi driver was uninjured.
Victim reports robbery
A man reported he was the victim of a strong-arm robbery attempt late Saturday night in Austin.
The man told Austin Police Department investigators he was riding his bicycle near the U.S. Post Office when a man stepped from behind a parked car and knocked him from his bicycle.
The man then brandished a long-bladed knife and demanded money. The man told police he gave the other man his wallet, which contained no money. Then, the assailant demanded his watch. When told it was a "$7 dollar watch," the assailant ran from the area.
The Austin man described the assailant as 6’5", 200 pounds, African-American, wearing a green "do rag" atop his head, a T-shirt with a skull, khaki pants and having scars on his face and arms.
Car strikes pedestrian
No charges will be filed after a motorist struck a pedestrian in a crosswalk at the intersection of Oakland Avenue West and 14th Street NW.
Jasmine Rahier, 16, of 1600 3rd Aveue NW, was rushed to Austin Medical Center hospital emergency room for treatment of arm and shoulder injuries.
The mishap occurred 10:59 p.m. Friday, according to an Austin Police Department report.
The driver and witnesses said, the traffic signal light was "green" at the time Jason Strouf, 18, of Austin, sped westbound on Oakland Avenue West through the intersection, traveling at an estimated 30 miles per hour, according to the police report.
Another pedestrian, identified only as a sister of the victim’s, made it across the street prior to the time Rahier was struck.
The driver stopped after the victim flew up over the hood and broke the windshield before tumbling to the street and coming to a rest at curbside.
Capt. Curt Rude verified, no charges will be filed against the driver in the mishap.
"Near-misses" by vehicles and pedestrians have prompted citizens’ concerns and complaints.
Call Lee Bonorden at 434-2232 or email him at