Letter: It’s about legal and illegal

Published 3:05 pm Saturday, September 13, 2008

On Aug. 18, the MCFIR held a town meeting to inform people about the Rule of Law (Constitution) concerning illegal immigration and how to stop the “illegal alien” (what the U.S. Constitution calls them) invasion in our community. Most of the attendees were concerned citizens and veterans.

Liliana Sylvestry, director of The Welcome Center, equates those of us who believe in the Rule of Law as Law, to the Ku Klux Klan. I guess she equates those who wrote the U.S. Constitution to be part of the KKK, too. The rule of law is not about race. It’s about legal and illegal.

Patriotism has become a dirty word, and those who disrespect our laws are glorified by the media.

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If you agree with illegal alien invasion, you disagree with the U.S. Constitution. MCFIR believes in unity no diversity. Historically, our ancestors, who came from other countries, came to the U.S. legally. They became U.S. citizens, learned English and denounced their allegiance to the country they left. They didn’t become LaRaza (The Race).

The American Legion policy on illegal immigration and the GOP party platform both conform to the Constitution of the USA.

Whoever runs for office ought to at least obey the Constitution.

Linnea Burtch
