So far it’s working out

Published 10:58 am Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Small-town residents usually have mixed feelings about big box stores coming to town.

On one hand, it’s a new business that may offer products that we can’t already get here, as well as cheaper goods and services in general. It also means new jobs for the community, which in turn benefit the local economy.

On the other hand, it may hurt all the rest of the businesses that have served the community for years and in some cases even decades.

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The Wal-Mart Super Center on 18th Avenue Northwest has now been in Austin for more than a month and so far, it appears that we can have our cake and eat it too.

As reported last week by the Herald’s Mia Simpson, Wal-Mart officials say the store has met business expectations, while nearby smaller stores say the effect on their businesses has been minimal.

We’re glad to hear it.

All of our Austin stores are important because they provide products to both our residents and our visitors passing through.

And as the holidays get closer, it gives all of us even more opportunities to shop local.