Pacelli requesting auditorium donations
Published 10:20 am Friday, August 1, 2008
The Pacelli High School auditorium is going to be restored back to its days of glory. The carpet will be replaced and new stadium seating will take the place of the folding chairs currently used; 210 chairs are needed to fill the auditorium.
At this time there is enough money to purchase 144 chairs. The school is asking alumni, faculty and staff, parents and friends of Pacelli, to help them reach their goal. Each seat costs $250. Your name will be permanently engraved on the chair for all to see and appreciate for many years to come.
This is also a great way to honor loved ones by purchasing a seat in their memory. For more information, contact the Pacelli office at 437-3278. Feel free to stop by Pacelli and view the sample chair … have a seat and visualize your engraved message and also envision the beauty of the newly remodeled auditorium when it is filled with the new seating.