Guitarist with Austin ties to play Paramount

Published 11:02 am Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Trace Bundy returns to his hometown Thursday evening for a concert at the Paramount Theatre.

Thursday night’s concert audience will see an “acoustic ninja” perform on the Paramount stage.

His publicist raves he must be seen and heard to be appreciated.

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“Never before has two hands and 10 fingers done so much,” a music critic observed.

“Harmonics, right hand tapping, slapping, percussive, looping, multiple capos, lightning fast picking” … the artist sounds more like a non-lethal weapon on stage.

Honest appraisal of hyperbole aside, the young man’s music is a labor of love … literally.

“I get to do what I love for a living,” he said.

He is the son of Al Bundy and Linda Carpenter. Phil and Ann are his uncle and aunt still living in Austin. He has one older brother, Greg.

Bundy left Austin when he was in the fourth-grade and moved with his family to Colorado, where he makes his home today.

He makes his living performing before audiences around the world.

He has been playing the acoustic guitar for 20 years, including the last 10 as a touring performer.

Last year, the performed — i.e., played for pay — 11 times.

He has independently sold more than 22,000 CDs of his music.

Bundy has performed on seven continents, including Australia.

His music videos on YouTube have attracted more than 2 million plays.

Sold-out ventures and standing ovations greet him wherever he goes.

This fall, he will embark on a tour of Japan and Korea.

Married, he and his wife, Becca, who assists “behind the scenes” make their home today at Buena Vista, Colo.

Bundy started playing guitar when he was 11 or 12 years old.

His brother, Greg, helped him buy an acoustic guitar for $10 from a “guy named Herbie.”

The first recognizable song he played was one from heavy metal band Metallica.

He quickly learned how to play chords and sons like “Johnny B. Goode,” the Chuck Berry classic, plus Def Leppard hits.

“I could never afford lessons so everything I learned was one my own, learning other people’s songs, making up my own stuff, et cetera” he said.

Then, he became “very interested” in “why music sounds good and why different notes and chords seem to work together.”

He became interested in music theory as a result of his curiosity.

College courses, more experimentation and paying in dues in coffee houses and other off the beaten track venues soon gave way to the Trace Bundy sound and an artist was born.

“Missile Bell” is the newest DVD — yes, a DVD — performance video. It was released in March.

Bundy will take the stage 7:30 p.m. Thursday.

All seats are $10.

Advance tickets are on sale at Hy-Vee Food Store in Austin as well as Hardy Geranium and B&J Bar and Grill.

They can also be purchased at the Paramount Theatre box office in advance or Thursday before the performance.

Bundy’s CDs and DVDs will be on sale Thursday night at the Paramount Theatre.

For more information, go to and watch the videos.