Austin schools plan for Feb. 1 hire

Published 10:57 am Friday, May 30, 2008

If it remains on schedule, the Austin School Board will hire a full-time replacement for superintendent Candace Raskin by Feb. 1, with an anticipated July 1 2009 start date.

Before that search begins, however, consultant Kenneth Dragseth of Chicago-based School Exec Connect will seek candidates for a year-long interim superintendent to begin this July, with interviews likely to occur mid-June.

“My feeling is best that we do an interim, and then we do a full-time search,” said Dragseth, who embraced the board’s decision to push the process for a permanent hire to a full year.

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“I’m probably a little bit relieved — it’s harder to do a Jan. 1 than a July 1,” he said, adding that the only challenge it could pose would be finding a person willing to work the temporary position for 12 months.

The board agreed to year-long time table during a special meeting Thursday, when newly-hired Dragseth presented his plan for the job searches to members. Dragseth was the preferred of four consultants, all of whom met with the board May 20.

Board member Mary Kleis said a longer period would bring more depth to the candidate pool, something she believes would help ensure that the district hires the right person.

“I would rather have a deep pool of quality candidates, and start July ‘09,” Kleis said, adding, “I would look at it as they are interrupting another district, and, I don’t know, that would be a negative.”

“I guess we need to look at the big picture,” she said.

The timeline would unfold as follows: Dragseth would recruit candidates for the interim position, hoping to begin interviews in the next two weeks. After that hire, consultants would begin collecting information from focus groups, which would likely be convened in September, with a full report to follow around Oct. 1. Dragseth said three types of groups — administration, certified staff and non-certified staff — as well as community forums. Questionnaires will also be posted on the school board Web site.

“It will be a document that you should use moving forward,” Dragseth said. “This is really doing the community focus groups on your schools.”

“Everyone who shows up has the opportunity to give the board a response with what they’re thinking,” he said.

During data collection, the board will be accepting applications nationwide until early January when interviews begin.

“We’re looking for a solid, strong candidate who can work with people and lead,” Dragseth said. He predicted that a decision would be made Feb. 1.

“We certainly need a strong leader — someone to hold administration accountable and know what needs to be done,” board member Dave Simonson said.

Members also agreed that whomever fulfills that role in the meantime must also be high quality.

“We have 12 different new initiatives, so it would need to be someone who would both embrace and assimilate to those initiatives,” Green said.

Dragseth said his firm would likely seek out retired superintendents who would have the experience to operate schools and direct initiatives.

“If you’re going to do it for a year, I think you need some experience in the position, he said.

The interim would likely run about $130,000-$140,000, which is the regional average, Dragseth said.