Automated system for library approved

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 16, 2003

The library board approved a $15,000 automated reservation system that will sign people up for computers in the lab, a job previously done by an employee.

After the system is installed, personnel will probably be shifted, Library Director Ann Hokanson said, but she did not rule out the possibility that eliminating positions could be necessary in the future. Serious cuts to city organizations are coming up, due to the state budget crisis.

The software itself, called PHAROS, costs about $4,000, with other costs, such as a coin box, consulting fees, technical support and switching four catalog computers over to Internet computers, making up the rest of the total.

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Also, the board approved a proposal to coordinate a county funding system between the four county libraries. Hokanson said this would make sure "every library is on common footing and they're all asking for money based on common criteria."

The LeRoy library approved the system Monday, and they are still waiting for approval from Grand Meadow and Brownsdale. After the libraries are in agreement, the proposal will be forwarded to the county board.

Matt Merritt can be reached at 434-2214 or by e-mail at