Poor are also being targeted
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 25, 2003
Lost in the battle over Gov. Tim Pawlenty's rash decision to cut Local Government Aid, is his disturbing disregard for the poor in Minnesota.
Buried deep within a "get-tough" plan, is a measure that would end welfare payments to mothers who have more children while receiving the state benefit.
The idea is included as part of the governor's plan to repair the state's gaping deficit. It's still unclear if the stipulation is meant as a cost-savings measure.
If it is, it's a terrible way to save money.
What is clear, however, is that as it stands now, a woman with one child sees her welfare check increase from $437 to $532 a month with a second child. That amounts to about $3 a day.
That seems like an insignificant financial incentive for welfare recipients to have another child. Yet, that's what the proposed measure is based on.
Policy experts have already said the idea hasn't worked well in the other 23 states that have taken similar approaches.
Why would Minnesota be different?
Right now, the measure seems based on stereotypes and not hard numbers.