Nelson honored at board meeting

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Robert "Bob" Nelson was honored Tuesday, but it wasn't a lifetime achievement award.

It only seems that Nelson has spent his lifetime in public service. First, a career in law enforcement, ending with a lengthy stint as Austin police chief. Then, another lengthy stint as the Austin-Mower County emergency preparedness director.

On Tuesday, Nelson was honored for the latter.

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Craig Strand, regional program coordinator for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety's division of emergency management, was a special guest at the county board meeting.

Strand was introduced by Mower County Sheriff Terese Amazi, who succeeded Nelson as the county emergency management director when he retired in January.

Nelson served in his latest public service position beginning in 1987 and after retiring as Austin's police chief years earlier.

"Austin and all of Mower County really got hit, during the time Bob was the director and Bob Nelson was always there. He did a great job at directing emergency management efforts locally," Strand said.

Garry Ellingson, 5th District Mower County Commissioner and chairman of the county board, extended the commissioners' congratulations to Nelson and added his own.

Ellingson, a former long-time Mower County Sheriff's Office deputy and then chief deputy said Nelson was a "true friend" both when the pair were in law enforcement and afterwards.

"Bob Nelson was a man dedicated to public service and he will be misused," Ellingson said. Adding congratulations Tuesday was Amazi.

Nelson thanked all for the praise and the DPS for its certificate of appreciation.

In other action Tuesday, the county board:

n Approved new fixed asset policies

n Adopted a resolution for the issuance of $325,000 general obligation bonds for the city of Dexter to finance its public improvement work needed for the new McNeilus Companies of Dodge Center, Inc. project

n Agreed to consider a recommendation from the finance committee at the next meeting March 4 on how to divide the county's share of proceeds from the sale of the bookmobile. The city of Austin received the largest share of the proceeds, but Mower County has $39,000 to divide among the libraries in out-lying communities.

Lee Bonorden can be contacted at 434-2232 or by e-mail at