Americanism will be honored this month by American Legion

Published 12:00 am Monday, February 3, 2003

February is Americanism Month for the American Legion.

Our preamble reminds us that a goal of the American Legion is to "foster and perpetuate 100 percent Americanism."

The Legion has developed dozens of programs to promote Americanism. It is the month, when we start our activities in Legionville, Boys and Girls State scholarships, child and youth activities and education activities.

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It is the month, when our motto "For God and country" is also highlighted in post activities.

Other activities in February include flag etiquette.

Also, the first Sunday in February is chapel with the four chaplains.

DUES. -- The year 2003 dues are past due. We know they're are veterans out there, who can join.

LEGISLATION. -- Congress is back in session. Who knows what they will do? Those benefits veterans receive or hope to receive aren't automatically given to them. The American Legion is constantly fighting for veterans' rights. It is up to all veterans to keep track of the debate and to write or call their representatives in Washington.


The national commander, Ron Conley of Pennsylvania, visited Minnesota Legion posts Jan. 27-29. He was traveling with Minnesota department commander

Don Hayden and membership director Larry Kautkremer and department adjutant Lyle Foltz, plus Conley's aide.

For more information about Austin Post No. 91, call 433-3139.