Library facing staffing shortage
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 3, 2002
Services at the Austin Public Library are starting to be affected because of a staffing shortage, said Library Director Chris McArdle Rojo.
At Monday's finance and personnel meeting, McArdle Rojo requested the committee to revisit personnel issues and refill the vacant positions.
The committee recommended to the council at city council meeting that same day for approval of the resolution.
Library assistant Sandy Kjarland, who had worked with the city for 22 years, died last week. Last August the committee approved a long- term disability leave for Kjarland and a replacement was granted to resume Kjarland's duties temporarily.
A second issue has come up with the retirement of another library assistant at the end of December. Both employees had and have been employed as 30-hour positions working directly with public service hours at the library.
The committee, along with the council, discussed concerns on the cost of the positions and the possible reduction on local government aid as well as future cuts.
If the two positions are not filled, in preliminary action, the library would have to cut approximately 14 hours, four on Sunday and 10 throughout the week, McArdle Rojo said.
Council member At-Large Dick Chaffee said if 30-hour employees is what the library had and needs, than that's what would be replaced in order for the library to keep running.
"We need to step forward and show some support … We almost have been ignoring the library," council member Gloria Nordin said.
Council member Wayne Goodnature said, "I am not going to vote, not because I do not appreciate the library but because of the cut on the budget. I think we will be faced with this type of decision time and time again."
Goodnature continued saying he wanted the community to understand that the city will be faced with major budget cuts and the council will have to make cuts on services.
"I would rather do this now … . It is the timing involved," council member Pete Christopherson agreed.
McArdle Rojo said that the two positions are a priority because they work directly with the public and account for 15 percent of the workforce. In addition to McArdle Rojo, who will be leaving at the end of December to pursue a career in her hometown, the library has a vacant Community Service position after Maggie Snow's recent departure.
With service levels increasing in number of checked-out items and computer used replacing the two positions would provide more services, McArdle Rojo said.
After council members Goodnature and Christopherson voiced their no votes council member Dick Lang said Austin has been a progressive city and hoped that the next council would too move in a progressive and thrifty manner.
"There is always a way we can work things out … we have to hang in there and work together," Nordin said.
The resolution passed 4-2. Council member Mickey Jorgenson was not present.
In other business and decisions:
n George Brophy of the Development Corporation of Austin updated the council on the possible expansion of Quality Pork Processors, Inc., and provided a program for the company to consider Austin as much as any other city as the site for the expansion. Brophy reassured the council on the status of Austin Packaging, saying it is doing fine and will continue to progress during the course of 2003. "The company will still be here," Brophy said. In regards to the recently layoffs workers Brophy said, APC's is pursuing other contracts.
n Approval of resolution on life and disability insurance bid with Minnesota Life through Ochs for 2003 at 20 cents per $1,000 of coverage. Long term disability insurance bid under Fortis totaled a cost of $18,857.10.
n The council approved a joint resolution with the Township of Austin for the annexation to several properties in the Homesteads Addition on the southwest area. The resolution had called for all property owners to petition for their respective annexation by January 2001. According to Rietz, this process started back in 1990.
n A resolution ordering the plans on feasibility reports for construction projects next year was approved. Publics Works Director Jon Erichson identified the four areas for reconstruction next year including Seventh Street NW, 14th Street NE, Eighth Avenue SW and Eighth Street NW.
Fire committee meeting
The fire committee reviewed a list of proposed uses of emergency vehicles for the fire department. A draft on a policy will be put together to avoid any future misunderstanding of the proper uses for vehicles.
The fire department will conduct a Confide Space rescue training. Fire Chief Dan Wilson said the department already knows many of the requirements. Hormel is proposing to do the training with the department, Wilson said.
Roxana Orellana can be reached at 434-2214 or by e-mail at