Austin graduate joins collegiate swim team

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 27, 2002

DECORAH, Iowa -- The Luther College swimming and diving team will be heading to warmer climate for their annual mid-season training trip over the holiday season. This year, the Norsemen are traveling to beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii from Dec. 22-Jan. 4.

Philip Jordan, a 2002 graduate of Austin High School, will be one of 29 members of the team making the trip. He is the son of Bruce and Lynn Jordan of Austin.

"This is the time of the year our training will hit its peak," said Luther College coach Lance Huber. "During this trip our intensity will increase for all the swimmers, concentrating on maximizing each swimmers potential while swimming and training tired. We will be in the pool twice a day for two hours on a long course and a short course. On the odd days we will be lifting weights. By the time we are ready to return home, we will hope to hit each swimmers goals of training at a much higher yardage volume."

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During their off hours, the Norse will enjoy the beauty of the Hawaiian Islands. The squad is also planning on spending Christmas day volunteering their time at a homeless shelter for children.

"We are really looking forward to Christmas Day," Huber said. "Having an opportunity to bring some love and enjoyment to kids in need will be an awesome experience for all of us. We are hoping to also give a free swimming clinic to kids at a local YMCA."

The Norse will wrap up their trip on Jan. 3, when they will compete at the University of Hawaii in the Duke Kahanamoku Sprint Meet. Most of the teams involved in the meet will be from the NCAA Division I and II.

Luther College is a four-year liberal arts college affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and is located in Decorah, Iowa. More information on Luther athletics can be located on the World Wide Web at