Anglers need to be patient

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 3, 2002

The recent incident of a fish house that was sent floating on a northern Minnesota lake may sound like a a somewhat humorous scene, but there is nothing funny about what could have happened had someone been inside when it fell through the ice.

No question area anglers are anxious to set their hooks, especially during a relatively mild November. But safety shouldn’t take a back seat to common sense.

Authorities have already warned people to stay off the ice because it’s too early. That fact was tragically reinforced with the death of three brothers near the Twin Cities. The three lost their lives while playing in a pond only yards from their home.

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The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources recommends a minimum of four inches of new clear ice for walking and small group activities. The DNR also recommends that people call a local bait shop or resort to check on ice conditions before heading out on an ice-fishing trip.

To obtain more information, call the DNR at (651) 296-6157 or toll free (888) 646-6367, or go online to the DNR's Web site at and request a free ice safety packet.