Sacred Heart sets plans for centennial celebration

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 26, 2002

ADAMS -- Next summer in Adams, history will be celebrated.

The 100th anniversary of the formation of Sacred Heart Catholic School will be observed.

The weekend to circle on calendars is Aug. 15-17, 2003.

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Al Steinkamp, class of 1969, and his wife, Jane Gilgenbach, class of 1975, will host a harvest mass on their farm to start the weekend's celebration on Friday.

Then, breakfast, school tours, dinner and a dance with beer garden will fill the Saturday schedule of events.

An outdoor mass followed by Sacred Heart Hall of Fame inductions, food games and family fun as well as a variety show will round out the centennial weekend on Sunday.

An ecumenical prayer service is also being scheduled.

Among the organizers is a saint: Thomas Mullenbach, class of 1957, who just recently sent information to alumni, parents, supporters and friends.

Mullenbach has stirred memories among Sacred Heart graduates already.

"Did Sister Marga teach you how to put a cross at the top of your paper asking Jesus to help you do good work?" Mullenbach wants to know.

"Were you there when Sister Noel set off the fire extinguisher all over the classroom?" he reminds Sacred Heart alumni.

Mullenbach also prods alumni to recall Christmas Nativity plays and the "Devil's Hole."

"For some of us, it may take a little more effort to remember specific events," he admitted, "but none of us needs to be reminded of the excellent education we received at Sacred Heart School and who is responsible."

According to Mullenbach, the responsible parties are "everyone."

Sacred Heart alumni, families, parishioners and the "community who make Sacred Heart what it is."

According to Mullenbach, the school is also the product of 99 years "of hard work and extraordinary acts of generosity."

Mullenbach is also challenging Sacred Heart alumni to participate in the centennial.

"Our goal is to announce at our celebration that we achieved a 100 percent response to our appeal," he said.

In the latest mailing, Mullenbach asks Sacred Heart alumni to fill out forms for the alumni directory.

Sure to be a "best-seller" next August, the directory information forms need to be returned by Dec. 31.

There are also dinner/dance reservation forms to be completed, plus the annual appeal for financial contributions at various levels.

One other unique aspect of the Sacred Heart reunion is the montage that artist Bruce Loeschen will create of highlights of the last century of Catholic school education in Adams.

Loeschen has earned a national reputation for his unique art work.

Most recently, he created a montage for Wartburg College, at Waverly, Iowa, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the institution of higher learning.

Loeschen's prints will be available for purchase in the spring of 2003.

As an added incentive, the first 200 people to send in their centennial registration forms will be eligible for an original, singed montage print by Loeschen.

The deadline for ordering the Loeschen montage prints is Dec. 5.

For more information about the centennial in 2003, the directory and the Loeschen prints, contact Sacred Heart Catholic School by calling 582-3120.