Group lends #039;extra#039; help

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 14, 2002

The brand new dome school in Grand Meadow wouldn't be what it is or going to be, without the help of the Grand Meadow Education Foundation.

It's a group of volunteers from the area that questioned where funding would come for extras for the school.

This group of 13 individuals with diverse backgrounds was formed to manage extra funds for the new school.

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"Our goals are to obtain and manage funds that will leave a legacy with the Grand Meadow community to support additional projects and educational opportunities," said Lynee Davis, GMEF chairperson.

The group met often the past year and became a non-profit organization so that contributions would be tax-deductible. The GMEF sent out information about their goals to alumni of Grand Meadow and the response was beyond the group's expectations. Between the community donations and alumni, the GMEF managed more than $50,000 in funds the first year.

The funds were used for the "extras' that make a school a school. These include a digital sign and information board that can be read from Minnesota Highway 16, playground equipment, an art kiln, stage curtains, shop equipment, kitchen equipment, the school logo in the high school activity area, sports equipment, classroom flags and an outdoor electronic flag pole.

"One of the our ongoing projects has been the art tiles that are at the entrance of the elementary dome. Eighty-nine crayon drawings have been processed into ceramic tiles of original artwork. The tiles have the names of the artist and sponsor screened on to the bottom of them. The tiles are cheery. They bring warmth to the school," Davis said.

Davis will step down as chairperson in January. She has enjoyed being on this committee and has been instrumental in getting the extras for the school. She has experience in this type of work having worked in development at Mayo Clinic.

"I got on this committee because I was very outspoken at school board meetings. I am a graduate of Grand Meadow and so is my husband, Jim. I like doing this a lot as it is giving back to the community and supporting it," Davis said.

Grand Meadow principal Dave Stadum said, "The school wouldn't be what it is without this committee. They have done so much."

Sheila Donnelly can be reached at 434-2233 or by e-mail at