AMC Auxiliary names new officers at meeting

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 12, 2002

Every hospital or clinic has its doctors, nurses, technicians and support staff.

They make health care work.

So, what does an auxiliary do? Answer: they make the work go easier.

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According to Don Brezicka, the work of the Austin Medical Center Auxiliary is invaluable to AMC-Mayo Health System achieving its mission.

Brezicka, executive vice president at AMC-Mayo Health System, spoke at the Oct. 8 annual meeting of the AMC Auxiliary.

With more than $30,000 donated for patient education in the hospital-clinic Heart Center, the auxiliary's generosity is helping fuel awareness and educating in the areas of congestive heart failure and lipids.

"They are another part of building the team in the new heart center at AMC," Brezicka said.

His praise for the volunteers didn't end with its financial support. Brezicka also pointed out how important volunteering is to AMC-Mayo Health System.

He said the auxiliary members' volunteering "spirit" sends an important message to all at AMC-Mayo Health System.

The 43rd annual meeting of the organization was held at First Congregational Church in Austin.

Janet Borchardt, outgoing president, welcomed members and guests. In her remarks, Borchardt noted with pride the 12,363 volunteer hours contributed by 138 volunteers last year. She also praised the organization's generosity for donating $30,000 to the new Heart Center education efforts; the second largest contribution to the hospital-clinic since 1999's $40,000 gift for bone dentistry equipment.

Jo Strey, corresponding secretary, gave the invocation and the women of the church served lunch.

After Brezicka's remarks, Judi Bergen, featured speaker, told about the AMC Hospice Program.

According to Bergen, hospice care can be added to the list of certainties in life because its important to grieving families and their loved ones.

Because polls show the vast majority of people want to remain living in their homes when a terminal illness strikes, hospice care must continue its focus to help that happen, she said.

The hospice's trained volunteers work with the AMC-Medical Center medical and nurse staff to offer spiritual, emotional and physical assistance to heal the wounds of terminal illness.

Bergen, who is a social worker, said the Rev. Jim Mikkelson remains the spiritual coordinator for the hospice activities.

The age range of hospice patients is 16 to 87 and 69 percent are cancer victims.

When Bergen completed her remarks, Borchardt presented awards.

Members were honored for reaching the 60, 100, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 4,000 and 8,000 volunteer hour plateaus.

Topping the list were Helen Leidall, 8,000 hours, Arlene Bednar, Janet Borchardt, Joan Meyer and Toni Watts, 4,000 hours each, Irene Anderson and Ida Dolan, 2,000 hours, and Dorothy Ackerwold, LaVonne Stevens and Dorothy Tpdalen 1,000 hours each.

New officers also were installed.

Marilyn Wilson is the new president and Joanne Jensen is vice president. Karen Krachmer is second vice president.

Also on the executive board are Mary Bissen, recording secretary, and Joann Strew, corresponding secretary. Delores Sellers is treasurer.

The auxiliary members are everywhere at AMC-Mayor Health System, volunteering in a variety of capacities.

In the area of arts and crafts are the food tray flowers, plus special new mother trays, according to Luella Olson.

The coffee shop saw volunteers contribute 4,068 volunteer hours, according to Jean Dykeman.

Joanne Jensen reported on the numerous fund-raisers the organization sponsors each year.

Karen Finnegan, Joan Meyer and Mary Ann Bliese reported on the success of the gift shop.

Karen M. Olson reported on the hospitality volunteers, Betty Dugan reported on the money counters and Connie Olson and Char Plantikow updated members on the social committee.

Rosalie Seltz reported on the organization's scholarship committee.

A brief business meeting was held after the annual meeting before the members adjourned.

Lee Bonorden can be contacted at 434-2232 or by e-mail at