A year#039;s worth of memories
Published 12:00 am Friday, September 20, 2002
Being that my first day here was Sept. 10, 2001, it's interesting to look back and see what's happened in the last year.
My first day was spent seeing how the paper is produced and then participating in the Chamber of Commerce's AMIGO Day's tournament.
Playing golf on the first day of work? Not bad, I thought.
Then came Day Two.
I was working on getting stories ready for a section we were producing on the Spam Museum.
CNN was on in the newsroom and we watched history unfold that unforgettable morning. Then, I went to the United Way of Mower County's luncheon to kick off its annual campaign.
There were lots of long faces in that room. Not too much talking going on.
A year later at the same event, it was a different story -- and attitude by those in attendance. I think that event reflected America's attitude as a whole toward Sept. 11, 2001.
We remember it. But we're moving forward.
A year in the same town does wonders on getting to know people and how to get around town. I know to watch out for the manhole cover near the post office each morning.
I know people pronounce "Mower" two different ways. And I know people have a different opinion of our governor, now that our state is $2 million in the hole.
But, locally, I know there's a lot of good folks here.
People love their Vikings, Twins and lefse. Some like lutefisk, but I'm betting they're in the minority.
I've never tried lutefisk, but I've smelled it. That was enough.
Highlights of this past year? They'd have to include:
n Leaning up against a grassy knoll by the library, watching the July 4th fireworks overhead
n Playing softball at Todd Park
n Getting injured at Todd Park
n Snowboarding at Welch Village and LaCrosse (I know that's not local, but it was fun anyway)
n Going to the Hambone Blues Jam
n Attending a picnic in Shirley Theel Park
n Covering an Austin Greyhounds game on a lazy and humid summer night -- complete with mosquitos
n Grilling a steak and crab stuffed mushrooms outside. However, it's starting to get that time of year when George Foreman comes out of the cupboard
n Having problems with your truck, but having friends know what those problems are. As a result, a 73-cent part and some elbow grease saves a trip to the mechanic.
Dan Fields can be reached at 434-2230 or by e-mail at :mailto:dan.fields@austindailyherald.com