Fair provided plenty of fodder

Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 15, 2002

Incidentally, Glenn Medgaarden is not Honest.

Honestly. The hard-working 4-H ribbon auctioneer doesn't like to be called Honest Glenn.

I missed Bubbles' birthday and Bennie Mallory's Musicians' Roundup and Camp-out.

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Forgive me, Holstein Lady, and happy birthday to one of the hardest-working women in Mower County.

As for Mr. Mallory, I hope you'll give me a raincheck and we can sit around the fish pond and listen to some music soon.

In fact, I missed Steve Andreasen, too. Sorry about that, Pat Higgins. I was covering the emu races at the 2002 Mower County Fair.

Come to think of it, I missed them, too.

When you've got the best and the brightest kids around waiting on you, you don't want to disappoint.

Did you have as much fun at the 2002 Mower County Fair as I did? It was a blast.

Where else can you enjoy one of Herb and Murl's world-famous Wonder Bars, drive a tractor, meet all sorts of nice people hungry for free ice cream cones and watch politicians humiliate themselves milking a cow all in the same place? Answer: only at the Mower County Fair.

All right. So there were no emu races. My eyesight isn't so good and I thought those five birds were emus. How was I to know it was the fair board racing their Gators?

I was in a hurry as I always am at the world's greatest county fair. There's work to be done and danger at every turn.

For instance, dodging them Adams folks like Harvey Sathre, Byron Huseby and Jim Sathre. I will say this about them Adams folks: they're from Adams. Anything else would only get me in trouble.

Naturally, I can't resist commenting about all the politicians at the county fair: Call me anytime and I'll tell you where to put your yard sign.

As far as the tractor pull goes, I could have won it if I wanted to, but then all I would have gotten was some trophy. For losing, I got a classic Oliver cap from Cory Ziegler and his parents.

And, I could have died laughing at those county sheriff candidates trying to milk Cristy Sathre's cow, Hannah. Let's put it this way, none of them would even understand the classic dairy farmer joke about the fly that flew in one cow's ear and out the udder.

There is a dispute simmering about the number of free I cream cone coupons I handed out during the county fair. I say there were only five or six and Eugene Anderson claims it was over 400.

Anybody know of a second job for me?

Incidentally, Glenn Medgaarden is not Honest.

Honestly. The hard-working 4-H ribbon auctioneer doesn't like to be called Honest Glenn. These used car salesmen are such sensitive guys.

Whatta great time it was at the county fair!

Crane Pavilion did look terrific, the 4-H centennial bash was impressive, Harlan Balgeman, Richard Scheffel, Bernard Walter, Ken Wermager, Keith Voorhees, Charley Truckenmiller and all the other members of the Loyal Order of Oldfars United were good for a few laughs and Dan Vermilyea was there when I needed him.

I had so much fun at the county fair that I want to go back next year.

Meet me atop Crane Pavilion and we'll drop water balloons on the county commissioners when they walk by.