Austin Art Series set for new season
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 27, 2002
Volunteering for the Austin Artist Series came about naturally for Dave Kallman, the current president of this organization. He was a season ticket seller for years and a band director in the Austin Public School for 28 years.
Three years ago, Dr. Don Claussen, the former president of this organization moved away and Kallman, who had been the vice president for 20 years, inherited the president position.
"The Austin Artist Series has 23 people on the board of directors. We have three major meetings three times a year. We have one of the most successful artist series in the Midwest,&uot; said Kallman.
The Artist Series has been responsible for bringing high-class and world-renowned artists to Austin the past 59 years. The concerts are held at the Austin High School in Knowlton Auditorium. Kallman says in the 59 years artists have been brought to Austin, there have been 275 concerts.
"At these 275 concerts, 350,000 people have attended them. We get audience members from all the surrounding towns in Mower County. Each town has one or two contact people to purchase season tickets from,&uot; said Kallman.
Besides Kallman, as the president, the board’s members are vice president Chuck Keller, secretary Janet Sanders, business manager and treasurer Karen Anderson, historian Nell Madera and the hospitality chair is Geri Beckel.
The board members have five ticket sellers each that help them sell season tickets. The board votes on what artist will be hired for the upcoming season in October. The kick off meeting for the 2002 season is Sept. 3, with a banquet held at St. Edward’s Corcoran Hall.
Kallman said, "You can only see the guest artists by purchasing a season ticket. We can always use additional sellers. It is a great deal to be a member of the Artist Series. It’s a thrill for me to meet these artists. We get great entertainment that you don’t have to travel far to see.&uot;
This year’s concert season will have The Brassissimo Vienna, 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 21, Three Hits and a Miss, 3 p.m., Sunday November 24, Bill Schustik-an American troubadour, 7 p.m. Sunday Feb. 22,
The Dukes of Dixieland, 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 8, 2003, and Chamber Orchestra Kremlin, 7 pm. Thursday, May 8, 2003
Tickets go on sale Sept. 5-12. Call Anderson at 433-7701(daytime) or Kallman at 433-3170. Season ticket prices are adult $25, student $10 and family $55.