Miller will seek third board term

Published 12:00 am Monday, July 1, 2002

Len Miller has announced he will seek a third term on the Mower County Board of Commissioners.

"It's very rewarding to serve the public," Miller said.

Miller was elected to the 4th District seat on the county board in 1994 after the death of Don Johnson. Four years later, he was reelected to the post.

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The 4th District includes the city of Austin's Third Ward.

Miller, a self-employed business consultant,

is the current county board chairman. He also serves on the county board finance committee.

It was Miller who suggested the county board form a long-range citizens task force. Sixty citizens were brought together for a lengthy brain-storming process to recommend strategies to the county commissioners.

Miller said the "wide range of issues" is a constant challenge for the commissioner. "I think the work we will be doing to 18th Avenue Northwest in the city of Austin is an important accomplishment of the county board," he said.

"We've also got a wind farm project in eastern Mower County that will amount to a $400 million investment from the private sector," he said.

Miller said more work is needed on economic development and "we want to

make sure we continue to keep taxes down and we must always be diligent with our spending in this economy."

Miller said citizens will see the county commissioners implement more of the long-range strategies in the next four years.

But, children and health issues remain the candidate's biggest concerns. He has worked on health issues at the national, state and local levels for many years. Among the positions he holds are the state community health services advisory

committee. He is also a delegate for the county board to the Association of Minnesota Counties'

health and human services policy committee.

"Children are my biggest concern personally," he said. "Children need health insurance coverage and long-term health insurance for the elderly is another priority of mine."

No other candidates have announced their plans to run for the 4th District at this time.

Two other seats on the county board are up for grabs this year. including terms for 3rd district incumbent David Hillier and 4th district incumbent Garry Ellingson.

The filing period opens 8 a.m. Tuesday and closes 5 p.m. July 16.

Lee Bonorden can be contacted at 434-2232 or by e-mail at