Airport gets funding

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 26, 2002

An expansion to the Austin Municipal Airport's runway is in the near future after more than $2 million have been obtained for the project.

Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-Minn.) made the announcement earlier this week that $2,050,000 were made available for the airport expansion through grants from the Federal Aviation Administration's Airport Improvement Program, state apportionment funds and Non-Primary Entitlement funds.

This will be the third phase of the runway extension project at the airport.

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Dick Chaffee, president of the Austin Port Authority, says the money will enable the airport to extend the runway from 4,700 feet to 5,800 feet. "It's going to make it a lot safer," he said. "Most corporate jets require a minimum of 5,000 feet and we'll have 800 feet more than that, so we'll actually have room to spare. We're very grateful for their commitment to our airport."

Wellstone also is pleased. "These funds should enable Minnesotans to travel by air with ease and safety long into the future," he said.

Amanda L. Rohde can be reached at 434-2214 or by e-mail at