Voters may have new polling places

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 21, 2002

In November, some Austin voters will have to cast their ballots at new polling places.

The Austin City Council approved moving the polling station at Pickett Place to the Austin Public Library and from Sumner Elementary to the Austin High School.

City clerk Lucy Johnson explained the city wanted to move from Picket Place to the library because "the library is our building and we don't want to disturb the activities at Picket Place. They've been very, very good about letting us use their building … the only complaint we've heard is that there isn't enough parking. At the library, we won't have that problem."

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She also said the move from Sumner to AHS was desired because "they only have one gym and it's disruptive to them when there are several different elections in one year."

In other council news:

n The council passed a resolution terminating the agreement with Mower County for a Joint Emergency Management Director, effective Dec. 31.

n A resolution approving funding for mosquito spraying for 2002 was passed. The council has allocated money for as many as three sprayings during the summer for an estimated $6,000 per application.

n Liliana Silvestry presented the quarterly report of the Welcome Center in Austin. According to Silvestry, the Welcome Center has assisted 470 families in the last three months, and has helped 86 newcomers to the city. The Welcome Center has helped new residents find housing, get the proper immunizations, register their children for school and has been offering them English as a second language classes on Sundays, Silvestry said.

Amanda L. Rohde can be reached at 434-2214 or by e-mail at