Park gets spruce trees

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 22, 2002

A unique partnership

resulted in 35 spruce trees planted in Lions Park last weekend in Austin.

The partnership involved of Austin Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department, Austin Morning Lions, AAL/Lutheran Brotherhood Branch No. 8198 and Spruce Up Austin, Inc.

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The trees were planted Friday and Saturday, May 17 and 18.

Matching dollars were provided by the AAL/Lutheran Brotherhood Branch No. 8198 in the amount of $1,000, while the Austin Morning Lions Club contributed another $1,000

The Austin parks, Recreation and Forestry Department took care of

the balance plus some other individual contributions.

Volunteer support came from the Mower County Sentencing To Service Program crew under the direction of STS supervisor Bill Klingerman.

Also volunteering were members of the AAL/Lutheran Brotherhood

branch members and SUA, Inc.

plus a member of the Austin Morning Lions Club.

In all, 66 volunteer hours were dedicated to the effort,

The project was initiated and conducted by SUA, Inc.

Austin Lions Park is located along East Oakland Avenue at 8th Street Northeast. It is bordered on the south by the Cedar River and on the north by the queen of Angels Cathodic parish.

The park is connected to the city's ever-expanding biking and hiking trail system.