Eagles take third in tourney

Published 12:00 am Monday, July 16, 2001

In Austin’s final game of the pool play at the 19th annual Austin Eagles-Austin All Stars 14 and-under baseball tournament Sunday at Marcusen Park, the All Stars beat Worthington 5-2.

Monday, July 16, 2001

In Austin’s final game of the pool play at the 19th annual Austin Eagles-Austin All Stars 14 and-under baseball tournament Sunday at Marcusen Park, the All Stars beat Worthington 5-2.

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The Eagles scored in the first inning with Chris Tobar stealing home on errors by Worthington. Mike Astrup hit an RBI bringing Josh Berhow home. The score was 2-0.

The top of the third inning, Tobar hit an RBI bringing Jake Krueger home. Jamie Sturdy hit an RBI bringing Tobar home. The score was 4-0.

In the bottom of the third Worthington’s Josh Schroeder hit an RBI bringing Worthington on the board.

The top of the fifth, the Eagles’ Tobar ran home on an RBI by Alex Kaiser. The score was 5-1.

Worthington scored in the bottom of the fifth with an RBI by Justin Saufley. The score was 5-2 and this is where it stayed. Pitching for Austin was Jamie Sturdy until the sixth inning when Darwin Finley came in as relief. Pitching for Worthington was Justin Saufley. Worthington had seven hits and Austin had ten hits in this pool game.

Eagles coach Brian Krueger said: "Jake Krueger and Chris Tobar had some good base hits. Sturdy and Finley pitched well. Alex Kaiser had two hits. The boys played well."

Albert Lea lost to Rochester 10-3 in their final pool game. This put Austin against Albert Lea in their final tournament round.

Albert Lea had not beat Austin this year until this tournament game, 10-6.

Albert Lea started out the game scoring five runs in the first inning. Pitching for Austin was Jamie Sturdy.

The bottom of the third is where Austin finally made some runs. Pitching for Albert Lea was Don Graves. Chris Tobar hit an RBI and made it to second and brought Matt Vietor home. Mike Astrup hit a low to right field bringing home Jake Krueger and Chris Tobar. Astrup made it to second on this hit. The score was 5-3.

The top of the fifth Albert Lea made two runs with pitcher Don Graves hitting two runners in. The score was 7-3.

The bottom of the fifth bases were loaded. Tobar came home on a walk to Eric McAlister by Albert Lea’s pitcher Preston Dahl. Sturdy made it home on an RBI by Alex Kasak. The score was 7-5.

The top of the sixth Albert Lea’s Pete Bracker scored on errors with the ball being overthrown at second and third. Pitching for Austin was Darin Finley. The score was 8-5.

The top of the seventh Albert Lea’s Tyler Hoenisch hit an RBI bringing home Nate Brackey. Then Hoensich was brought home by an RBI by Jerrod Stadhiem. The score was 10-5. Alex Kasak came in as a relief pitcher for Finley to keep any more runs from scoring in this inning.

The top of the seventh Austin scored one run with an RBI by Kasak who brought Finley home. The final score was 10-6.

Albert Lea coach Dave Klatt said, "This is the first time we beat Austin this year. We hit the ball well. We were in a slump the last few games we played, We have had a dozen hits each game. We were finally hitting the ball well in this game. Austin is good to us. We know each other well. We were 2-2 in this tournament."

Austin coach Brian Krueger commented that there were too many key errors that the Eagles had made. He was pleased with his players in how well they performed through out the tournament.

"Chris Tobar had a fantastic week," Krueger said. "He went three for three with one walk. He had nine out of 11 hits at bat. The second top hitter for Austin was Jake Krueger he went six for 12. It is too bad we gave up five runs in the first inning in the game to Albert Lea. We made some running mistakes. We out hit Albert Lea in this game. I don’t know if this has anything to do with it but our best pitcher Mitch Kaplan was on vacation this weekend. We finished sixth out of eighth in this tournament."

Call Sheila Donnelly at 434-2214 or e-mail her at sports@austindailyherald.com.