Word game lovers in for a treat: Speliminate

Published 12:00 am Monday, November 27, 2000

For those who love word games, Julie Sinykin says she has the perfect new challenge.

Monday, November 27, 2000

For those who love word games, Julie Sinykin says she has the perfect new challenge. It’s a game that she and a friend created called "Speliminate."

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"The object of the game is to not end a word," said Sinykin, whose husband Buck Strisert is an Austin native.

The game, available in Austin at EGO, is based on the travel game "Ghost," Sinykin said.

"Juliet (Kersten) and I used to play that game when we would travel back and froth from Indiana University," Sinykin said.

With the game "Ghost," one opponent starts with a letter and the other opponent adds one onto that, making a word. "Speliminate" is similar in that opponents try to create a word, but letters can be added to the beginning or the end. Words can also be spilt.

Each player has their own color-coded alphabet and magnets to split letters.

"You need to have a word in mind before you start," Sinykin said. "You can challenge your opponents or bluff."

"The game continues as players add letters trying not to eliminate themselves by spelling a word. Get caught bluffing or get forced into ending a word and lose the round. Lose 11 rounds and you are SPELIMINATED!" the Web site, www.speliminate.com, states.

The pair started working on the game in 1994, and recently tried to license it to Milton Bradley. However, the company felt the game was too challenging and quiet, Sinykin said.

That didn’t stop them from going ahead with the game.

"We didn’t go into this to make a lot of money," Sinykin said.

"Speliminate" is recommended for ages 12 and up, but a good vocabulary and spelling skills are needed to play the game. Sinykin said players should try to pair themselves with someone at the same skill level.

In addition to EGO, "Speliminate" is available at shops in Minnesota and Wisconsin. For locations, check out the Web site, www.speliminate.com.